Joint Venture of Bezares for the Indian market

Bezares SA is pleased to announce the signing of a Joint Venture with Alpha Drives India Private Limited, establishing a new company called Bezares Alpha Drives India Private Limited.
This new company has been established following months of negotiations between Bezares SA and Alpha Drives India Private Limited, which recognized the main synergies that both companies can offer each other in the field of PTO’s, pumps, winches, valves and other hydraulic elements.

Alpha Drives India Private Limited is a leading manufacturer of hydraulic parts based in the city of Coimbatore in South India. Having started with the manufacture of Transmission mounted PTOs for the Truck Hydraulic Industry; it has progressed to the manufacture of Driveline PTOs/Transfer Cases and special PTOs such as Clutch PTOs.

Alpha Drives is also involved in several mission critical applications for Defence, including supplies to the Heavy Vehicle Factory at Avadi, Special PTO Gearboxes Manufacturer in India.
Alpha Drives has a well-equipped factory with modern CNC machinery for the manufacture of PTOs and the manufacturing setup is backed up by an R & D centre with strong Design and Testing facilities.

The formation of the new company Bezares Alpha Drives India Private Limited offers clear advantages to Alpha Drives customers in India, with access to Bezares technology, in accordance with the most demanding European standards and new export markets, which will enjoy the structure and technical support from Bezares, in addition to the provision of capital stock. Likewise, Bezares’ Indian customers will be able to benefit from the increased supply and local logistics that the new facilities can offer in a market as wide as India.

The Alpha Drives production plant already has the Bezares line in production and has a huge portfolio of clients, turning our recognized European brand into a key player in the Indian market.
For more information on the Bezares Alpha Drives project, please contact our marketing department at [email protected]