New PTOs for Hino Transmissions RE50, RE61 and RE62

New PTOs for Hino Transmissions RE50, RE61 and RE62

  • 30 September, 2020
  • Allgemein
  • 9832

Bezares has developed two new two gear PTO pneumatic operated to be mounted onto the 6 bolt left opening of the RE 50 and RE 61/62 transmissions.

The HINO RE 50 is a 5-speed manual transmission  while the RE 61 and 62 are 6-speed gearboxes. Manual and automatic respectively. Both are mounted in Hino 300 series vehicles.

With these latest releases, we complete our PTO range for the Hino 300 Series.

For more information, please contact our Sales Department with the codes: 265303 and 265403

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