Bezares running on 100% renewable energy

Bezares running on 100% renewable energy

  • 9 June, 2020
  • Uncategorized
  • 5520

Stopping climate change is a collective challenge that requires the gradual adoption of actions that lead to a low-carbon development model. That is why it is increasingly important that all people and companies have the environment and emissions reduction as their immediate objective.

Bezares has been comitted to a sustainable manufacturing and policy for reducing emissions for a long time, with specific actions such as obtaining environmental certificates since 1999 and its subsequent update to ISO 14001 in 2016. It has also developed more specific actions for the use of renewable energy in its current facilities, which were planned for the use of solar energy since its construction in 2007.

Solar panels on the top of Bezares manufacturing plant in Toledo, Spain.

Advancing in its measures to reduce the environmental impact, Bezares has contracted energy with Iberdrola’s Guarantee of Origin Certification for 100% of the energy used.

This energy comes exclusively from 100% renewable sources, which respect the environment and avoid CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions.

The guarantee system of origin of electricity from renewable sources and high-efficiency cogeneration is supervised and verified by the National Commission of Markets and Competition.

Bezares Green Energy certificate

Iberdrola is a leader in the implementation of renewable energies and in the protection of the environment. It has its own environmental policy, which is mandatory in all areas of Iberdrola and its group of companies. The facilities have been environmentally certified by AENOR, according to the UNE-EN ISO 14001 standard. It has been formally adhered to the United Nations Global Compact of

good practices in Human Rights and the Environment, and has participated in the pilot program of mechanisms derived from the Kyoto Protocol of the Spanish Office for Climate Change. It is also a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.

With this latest advance in reducing environmental impact, Bezares continues with its strategy of continuous improvement not only in guaranteeing the quality of its products but also in our corporate responsibility and commitment to build a better world.

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